Josh Berning – EHS Manager, Sidney SFC Global Supply Chain, Inc
“We finished up the OSHA 10 course earlier this afternoon and everyone I talked to who participated had nothing but positives to say. I’ve already had multiple of them come up to me with some corrective actions they saw just walking through the production areas since the course ended. I’ve also had multiple others who weren’t able to make it to this class asking when the next will be. Another few classes to get the rest of the supervisors/managers and safety committee members through and we will definitely be on the way to changing the culture around here in a positive way.
I’ll vouch for Barry and his class to the others and plan on recommending him to some other local safety reps I know around here. One of the most engaging trainers I’ve seen and made sure to keep everyone participating.”
Clay Hammes – Director of Risk Management, Blain’s Farm and Fleet
“Barry Alexander, of Alexander Safety Solutions, recently conducted three days of CPR and AED training for Blain’s Farm and Fleet. Barry was engaging, energetic very knowledgeable! Participants’ comments included “Very motivated! Makes you feel you can do this (CPR/AED) with confidence” and “Outstanding-very clear demonstration. I’m walking away with confidence in stepping forward”. Thank you to Barry and everyone at Alexander Safety Solutions for your outstanding training and great attention to detail.”
Todd M. Foster EH&S Risk Manager-CSP, QEP, CHMM
“Alexander Safety Solutions has been partnering with my company for many years, and we rely heavily on them to provide our company with current and effective safety training. Their instructors are very experienced, highly engaging, and provide us with the real-life training we’ve come to expect. They do a great job!”
Amanda Byers, Dayton/Miami Valley Safety Council
“Barry did a phenomenal presentation to our Safety Council membership on the topic Creating Workplace and Employee Safety. The response from attendees after the meeting was fantastic; “Fabulous Speaker! Great practical approach to safety-got some great ideas”, “Love his passion & enthusiasm”, “This guy was great, have him back again”. We’d have him back in a heartbeat. Thank you Barry.”
Dustin Spencer – Regional Safety Manager, Amazon Fulfillment
“Alexander Safety Solutions focuses on quality training that is customized to fit the needs of the customer, along with flexible training hours to accommodate 24/7 operations. You never walk away questioning the content or application of the training provided by the skilled and qualified staff.”
Carolyn Stevens, GE Infra, Aviation, US
“Please pass on to Barry that his trainers completed our First Responder training and I have to say…Great Job! We really appreciate having someone very knowledgeable keeping everyone’s interest. Thanks so much!”
Students from training classes, GE Infra, Aviation, US
“One of your instructors came to our location and provided CPR/AED Training. For the CPR portion, he did a thorough presentation. He explained the changes and using his background as an EMT, gave us some insight into why he had the confidence in the information. His technique using the new information was great! He made the defibrillator a simple experience. He was engaging with a serious subject. He answered all questions directly, without making the questioner feel they were asking something silly and told short and amusing stories while totally getting his issue and information across to the class. Everyone learned something from the class.”
“Our instructor was the best I have ever experienced. He made it interesting, informative, and hands on training that was soaked up by myself and all my associates. Many times this type of training can be dry and boring. He was enthusiastic and passionate about what he was teaching us and came across in a manner that made all of us want to learn even more. Kudos to an excellent instructor and training program.”
“What a great experience it was for all of us to practice using a fire extinguisher and putting out a fire. If nothing else is gained, we all now have some idea what it’s like to handle a fire extinguisher.”
Marion Cook, Walmart eCommerce
“Barry Alexander recently did a 4 day OSHA 30 class for my facility. Let me start out by saying that Barry was extremely knowledgeable. He knew the answer to every question he was asked. He was funny and friendly and he made everyone want to learn more. He has a talent for training and I would recommend him for any training classes you and your business may need. He keeps everyone engaged and all of my associates walked away with information they will be able to use in the future. When it comes to OSHA training a lot of information is common sense but there are many things that you have to remember and he made learning it fun and entertaining. Thank you Barry and we will get you back in for more training in the future!!”
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Marion Cook, Walmart eCommerce
Barry Alexander recently did a 4 day OSHA 30 class for my facility. Let me start out by saying that Barry was extremely knowledgeable. He knew the answer to every question he was asked. He was funny and friendly and he made everyone
want to learn more. He has a talent for training and I would recommend him for
any training classes you and your business may need. He keeps everyone engaged
and all of my associates walked away with information they will be able to use
in the future. When it comes to OSHA training a lot of information is common
sense but there are many things that you have to remember and he made learning
it fun and entertaining. Thank you Barry and we will get you back in for more
training in the future!!!